2 Autumns, 3 Winters

A quirky French comedy follows the trauma of a pair of young Parisians. 

Jogging through a Parisian park in his brand new tracksuit, balding art school grad Arman has decided to change his life. He never does get in shape, but he does encounter the beautiful dynamic Amelie, whom he is determined to meet again.

Up-and-coming French director Sebastien Betbeder’s new feature 2 Autumns, 3 Winters is highly stylized. The film is segmented into chapters, almost like short films, with title cards introducing them. These chapters are punctuated with fantasy sequences as well as the characters discussing the events of the film direct to camera, documentary style.

The light and quirky style of 2 Autumns, 3 Winters is in some way at odds with its material. Following the life of Arman and his art school friend Benjamin in the autumns and winters after they turn thirty, the pair face experiences such as violent assault, a life threatening medical crisis and suicidal depression just to name a few.

Betbeder mixes grainy 16mm with sharp digital HD, which is perhaps a visual nod to the almost schizophrenic nature of the film. It allows the audience to smile as they watch this account of the various traumas of everyday people.


2 Autumns, 3 Winters will play from April 18 to May 9 at the Australian Centre for The Moving Image, Federation Square, as part of their autumn season.

Adult $16, Concession $12.50, ACMI Member $11



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