MICF Preview: The Bitches’ Box

A slice of Kiwi countryside humour.

After performing rough to rural audiences in woolsheds across New Zealand, this season at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival will be a breeze for comedians Emma Newborn and Amelia Guild.

Their show, The Bitches’ Box, presents a scene of two female dogs bitching over the ins and outs of knotting with male working dogs.

“Country audiences react with recognition,” says Newborn. Although, performing to tiny, regional townships must not be the easiest way to get a laugh.

“Farmers are definitely a tough crowd. The best compliment is some gruff farmer, who has been standing at the back of the woolshed with beer in hand and has never been to see a show before, come up to you afterwards and say ‘bloody good that.’”

Hickory old wood and scraps of iron construct kennels and help bring the outdoors in. Well received at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, city audiences are given a chance to see a light-hearted window into country life, which the comedy duo feel some may not have much direct connection to anymore. Their set may also act as relief from typical stand up of city-centric, first world problems. 

The Bitches’ Box
ACMI Cube, Federation Square
11-20 April



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