

Home Commentary

Australia through  Zeitgeist eyes

Australia through Zeitgeist eyes

Each year Google publishes its Zeitgeist report, a summary of the mountains of data they collect based on the search behaviour of the ‘hooked-up and linked-in’ citizens of the digital…

On the Abolition of All Political Parties

Before she died at the age of only 34 in 1943, French philosopher Simone Weil left behind an intense body of work around Christian philosophy, mysticism and political activism. One…

Naming the price to reduce transport congestion

Naming the price to reduce transport congestion

Without doubt one of the best things about working in Melbourne in January is the significant decrease in congestion on the roads and crowding on trains and trams as you…

Irregular writings

Irregular writings

Beck’s Songbook

Letter from Europe

Letter from Europe

This summer my reading included a stunning new history of the causes of the First World War called The Sleepwalkers, written by the Cambridge based historian Christopher Clark.

Letter from Tokyo

Letter from Tokyo

I often bore people with my list of the ten cities you have to see before you die.

Irregular writings

Irregular writings

Thrills, Anarchy and Neighbours

Sort of but not exactly

Sort of but not exactly

An open letter to Santa Claus

Third age

Third age

She knows when you’ve been bad or good.

The 2013 election is looming

The 2013 election is looming

On all measures, Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott is deeply unpopular. His approval rating is among the lowest recorded for an Opposition leader and his policy agenda is universally seen…

Letter from Dubai

Letter from Dubai

The other day I caught the new direct flight from Adelaide to Dubai. I arrived, Dubai time, at 5 am in the morning fresh and lively having had a nine-hour…



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Speak Percussion – City Jungle

